Serving the Gold Coast Since 2006: 1 800 385-5513 / 2653-4607

Costa Rica Gold Coast Real Estate

Learn More About Area Real Estate Developments

If you’re interested in purchasing Costa Rica Gold Coast real estate or maybe you already have a property in the area and just want to learn more about the various projects and developers, look no further.

Coastal Realty & Property Management was founded way back in 2006, during the real estate boom just before the Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis, so we watched a lot of the homes and condos in the area being built.

This encyclopedia of area projects is a work in progress, so if you don’t see your Costa Rica Gold Coast real estate listed yet, feel free to make a request. We’re updating all the time.

Gold Coast Condo Developments:

Tamarindo Condos

The commercial center of the Gold Coast, Tamarindo boasts many condominium developments that date back to the early 90s. Development has come in waves. Find all the details on each condominium development in Tamarindo.

Langosta Condos

At the southern end of Playa Tamarindo is the northern end of Playa Langosta. While technically Hacienda Pinilla fronts Playa Langosta as well, we keep Pinilla in its own category.

Hacienda Pinilla Condos

These are the condos within the Hacienda Pinilla resort community founded by H.G. Pattillo back in the 1970s.

Famous Builders & Architects Working in the Gold Coast:

Abraham Valenzuela – Known for his work on many of the homes in Playa Langosta’s Millionnaire’s Row including Villa Marrakech, Casa Roca, and others.

Richard Mueller – Part of Maine, Mueller, & Associates before it became Tamarindo Preserve and then later went bust. Also contributed to Las Catalinas at Playa Danta.


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